Sunday, April 12, 2009

My patio is beautiful, but not finished!!!!

I'm sorry to report that Mother Nature rolled in about 2 hours 2 soon and we did not finish the patio. I know I promised pictures, however I am just too depressed at the moment. Well, and my fingers hurt so bad just typing that I can't handle much more.

So, here's the short story. We started our patio project Friday and began with no intentions of finishing. Well after 30 minutes in to the project, we discovered we were in WAYYYY over our heads, so hired 2 laborers to come help. Then Carlos showed up, and we were FLYING! We got excited and really ambitious and realized we could finish the project in 2 days. Day 2 started a little slower because we were actually laying the pavers, but by 6 p.m. we were soo close. We were basically down to all cuts. The sky started to get dark, but the doppler and the internet (why did we trust that??!?) told us we still had several hours.. LIAR! At 7:45 the light show began in the sky and regardless of how little we had left, we had to quit. AND, as icing on the cake, I was out attempting to pick up a tool (before I was summoned home due to bad weather) when the weather came and by the time I got home the patio was covered with blue tarp. So, no pictures of my "almost finished" patio. Sorry.

BUT, the silver lining is that it is EASTER, the day of the RISEN SAVIOR AND LORD! Rejoice! Have a blessed day... pictures to follow!

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