Sunday, February 22, 2009


Ok people.. I'm trying to add a "scrapblog" (i.e. embed a html code) to the header of the blog, since it would be much cuter than the current state of the blog, however I am LOST! Any advice?!!??

P.S... Our wonderful Valentine's Day extravaganza to come!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

25 Random Things About Me!

Alright folks, I thought to myself that I didn't want to be one of "those" who wasted their time to write 25 things about myself and here I am (smile). I thought maybe I was too boring to think of 25 things or that I was too busy... haha, yea right. Well, currently I am ignoring the laundry so that I can entertain the few who are interested in knowing 25 random things about good little ol' me. Here goes:
1. I LOVE to grocery shop, especially at a fun place like Central Market. It is therapy for me and I have been caught before by my husband (on the phone people, Caleb doesn't do grocery stores!) aimlessly walking the aisles of that blessed stores when I have had a markedly long day at work.
2. When I grocery shop, I always go to at least two place to get everything I need. Bargains are TOP for me, so I keep the ads and divide my list into two categories, stuff that's cheaper at Sprouts and stuff that's cheaper at Kroger. Is that weird?!?
3. I have never had real stitches. I got stitches from getting my wisdom teeth out, but those don't count because they are a given.
4. I have to write with proper grammar when texting. And I use punctuation.
5. My husband and I love to travel. We've been married a little over 3 years and have been to Banff, Disneyworld, California and Mexico, London and Paris, Gulf Shores, New York City, Washington DC, Cruise to 6 islands in the S. Caribbean and soon to be the Mediterranean in August.
6. I think I've been the primary cook in every home I've ever lived in...
7. I might could never go to the movie theater again and be okay with it (but my husband would kill me).
8. I've had a colonoscopy before and I'm only 25.
9. I've also had melanomic (is that a word??) moles removed... and I'm only 25.
10. I always wonder if I should put 1 space or 2 between sentences when on FB and the blog.
11. I had the greatest college roommates anyone could imagine, and I love them as much now as I did when we lived together! And Becca's having a baby... YAY!!!
12. I love to read. Currently I am reading The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks.
13. I have a problem with always needing the TP roll to be paper-side up... Any top-rollers with me??
14. I think people who eat tomatoes like apples are disgusto. Why??
15. My husband and I gut-remodeled our first home in 5 1/2 months and love each other more than we did before. And never had a knock-down, drag-out fight in the process. Don't ask me about shopping for furniture though... it brings chills to my spine. Love you hun!
16. I have checked the spacing between every number and the wording for each of the first 15 random facts, it must be equal.
17. I'm now wondering if I'm a little OCD.
18. I work with special ed. elementary kiddos and love them! Now, it does make me a little obsessive and crazy about every detail to me have my own children, but I continue to cling to the fact that my God knows every detail about each of my future Morris babies before they have ever been formed.
19. I would love to cook or bake for a living one day. My sisters and I have always talked about it: Megan would own it because she would be rich, I would cook and Erin would let us boss her around. I love my sisters!!!
20. I think I got the best deal when I married Caleb. He is incredible, adventurous, God-fearing, and an amazing leader to my bossy butt. God knew I needed a man who would cause me to desire to submit because of his wisdom in leading our home.
21. I hate mail.. currently I have at least 3 various piles throughout my home that need to be addressed. Halleluiah that I don't have to do bills, I just need to file and trash all this annoying paper. I really would love to go paperless.
22. Owning a home really does mean endless projects. It is true people, don't think for a second that yours will be "different" and perfect just like you borrowed it from the bank for the next 30 years.
23. Once upon a time I wanted to be a lobbyist in Washington DC and go to law school and wear suits. I think I was crazy, because I sure do love my corduroy, tees and jean jackets!
24. I love to entertain and have people over.. and really I love it when people love my cooking. Is that selfish or just really hospitible (haha..)??
25. I would be lost and eternally miserable if it weren't for the saving grace of my Lord Jesus Christ. I think logically there is no other way to describe creation other than the miracle of a Creator, my Creator.

....and one more to show really that I might be OCD:
26. I went back and checked all the spacing on each number and corresponding sentences. 2 spaces people, 2 spaces.